Gravity Kills

Carson gave this album 4.75 notes4.75 notes4.75 notes4.75 notes4.75 notes on2007-12-27.

Gravity Kills is, in some ways, typical of industrial albums from the early and middle 90's. It employs loud, angry sounding vocals, metallic scratching sounds, and fast tempos. If you like Broken from Nine Inch Nails, or Nihil from KMFDM, you will probably enjoy this album as well.

Overall, the tracks are well laid out. The vocals are intelligible over the instrumentation, and each distinct instrument and noise can be heard. "Forward" - the intro - sets the tone well for the rest of the album with abundant distortion and a tense feeling.

"Here" takes a different course from the rest of the album, being slower and more melodic, and serves as a sort of intermission near the center of the album. "Guilty", "Goodbye", and "Last" are more typical of the album as a whole, and feeling more like "typical" industrial songs.

I give this album an extremely high rating, and would buy it again if I had to make the choice again. In fact, I did, as I lost my copy, I recently purchased a second one.

TrackNameCarsonKatherine   TrackNameCarsonKatherine
1 ForwardForward - Gravity Kills 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes     7 InsideInside - Gravity Kills 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes
2 GuiltyGuilty - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     8 GoodbyeGoodbye - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes
3 BlameBlame - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     9 NeverNever - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes
4 DownDown - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     10 LastLast - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes
5 HereHere - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     11 HoldHold - Gravity Kills 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes
6 EnoughEnough - Gravity Kills 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes    

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