Archive for August 2008

Music in Advertising

I just encountered a great blog while searching Google for music related sites. This site has a unique concept in that is lists advertisements and television programs that have famous – or not so well known – music playing. What’s more, the articles have a trivia section at the end that tells interesting facts about the movie.

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LMMS review

Lately, I have been trying out LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) and have been quite impressed. Don’t let the name scare you away, there is also a Windows version if you haven’t upgraded to Linux yet :).

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imeem review

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across imeem which, like, provides music and videos for online perusal. There seems to be more music on imeem than on, but provides useful services which I went over in a previous post.

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iTunes in Linux

iTunes runs under Wine, albeit rather slowly. I can attest to this as I have personally installed in on the Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit partition on my office computer using the newest stable version of Wine. I have not tried the store, but DAAP (the protocol that allows iTunes to share music with other computers) works flawlessly. Music plays without skipping or lag, but scrolling through your library can take an exceedingly long time.

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iTunes presets

Recently, I have discovered that I can setup presets such as rock, dance, pop, etc. on a song by song basic with iTunes. This will adjust the frequency of a song automatically each time that it is played and is a great help for tracks ripped from old AAD (analog to analog to digital) CDs that sound washed out or tinny.

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