Archive for April 2009

Starcaster by Fender review

Recently, as some of you may know, I was in the market for an electric guitar. My criterion were as such: inexpensive, reliable, and a good deal for the price. I specify the third criteria because many things that are inexpensive are still overpriced as they may be completely worthless.

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Getting more use from guitar tabs

Recently, I found a couple of items that may be useful to those who play – or would like to learn to play – guitar. The first is a program that extends the functionality of tabs that you download. While the second is a great online resource – not just for tabs, but also for lessons, reviews, and forums.

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Albums for review 2009-04-13

I have decided to take a month or two off of buying CD’s in an effort to review more albums that I already have in my queue. As I have several partially completed reviews that I just never seem to have time to finish, I am trying to get through those first.

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Phil Spector’s trial

It appears that the jury has finally come to a decision regarding the charges that Phil Spector murdered Lana Clarkson. The decision is to be delivered later today.

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Music in Waiting Rooms

Something that has never made sense to me is why all doctors’ waiting rooms seem to tune in to the same genre of radio station. This phenomenon first sunk in last week while at my doctor’s office, but thinking back, I realized that all of the doctors – including general practitioners, dentists, and specialists – that I can remember going to over the last 30 years (in three different states on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line) seemed to play what amounts to the same station.

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