Posts tagged ‘listen’

imeem review

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across imeem which, like, provides music and videos for online perusal. There seems to be more music on imeem than on, but provides useful services which I went over in a previous post.

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I have recently started using to keep track of what I am listening to most often and to get recommendations for new music (or at least new to me) based upon my listening habits.

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My first full-length song.

I have uploaded my first full-length song, Eff-Bahm, for your listening (dis)pleasure; constructive criticism is definitely welcome.

Hopefully, I will have more music to upload soon; currently, the only other track that I have finished is about a minute long and will probably be the intro for the album that I am working on. And no, in case you were wondering, I do not plan on quitting my day job.

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