Archive for the ‘My Music’ Category.

The Pope Kissed a Boy and Didn’t Like It

I normally attempt to keep the articles here more directly music-related than this one, however this law suit just blows my mind and I couldn’t remain silent. I apologize for the tangent, but supporting a company touting equality and love for one’s fellow human as well as supporting freedom of speech are more important than staying strictly focused to music related topics. There are song lyrics at the bottom of the post though, so that should count for something. 🙂

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Status update from the “studio”

Since I mentioned a while ago that I was working on some new tracks, I wanted to keep post a status update to keep you all informed.

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Back in the “studio”

Lately, I have had a little more free time and some musical ideas so I have gone back in the studio to work on some of them. I can’t promise that I will have anything up in the very near future, but I do have some (hopefully) good ideas and have started recording again.

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My first full-length song.

I have uploaded my first full-length song, Eff-Bahm, for your listening (dis)pleasure; constructive criticism is definitely welcome.

Hopefully, I will have more music to upload soon; currently, the only other track that I have finished is about a minute long and will probably be the intro for the album that I am working on. And no, in case you were wondering, I do not plan on quitting my day job.

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