New Project: An Interface to Subsonic
I am in the process of creating a new desktop interface for Subsonic and hope to have a beta version up for download in a couple of months.
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Posts tagged ‘software’
I am in the process of creating a new desktop interface for Subsonic and hope to have a beta version up for download in a couple of months.
I had been looking for a way to stream my music to my phone or laptop for a while now and was considering signing up for a music locker service. However, a couple of months ago, a friend of mine suggested I look into Subsonic.
Lately, I have been trying out LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) and have been quite impressed. Don’t let the name scare you away, there is also a Windows version if you haven’t upgraded to Linux yet :).
I have noticed multiple complaints on various music discussion forums asking how to find bpm (beat per minute) information for songs. The conclusion was that there is currently no service that provides this; desiring this information as well, I have created a public database to store bpm information.