Album for review list 2008-10-06

Its the beginning of the month, so that means its time to buys new CDs and add other prospective albums to the list.

I have just ordered a few of the albums from my last list, and have added several new ones. My new list is below, with recent purchases crossed out. I should have the albums sometime next week and it normally takes me a week or two to review an album as I listen to each one about 10 or 15 times.

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I have been discovering new music

In my endless search for music to which I have not been previously exposed, I have started watching Yahoo!’s recommended videos. These videos are based on the user’s individual preference settings and so, at least with mine I never know what I’ll end up seeing.

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Nine Inch Nails survey

I found something totally unexpected in my inbox this morning, a request from Trent Reznor for me to take part in a survey. I recently downloaded The Slip from their site and, as part of the process, filled out my contact information. I am positive that this is the reason I received the e-mail and not for attending a Nine Inch Nails concert way back in 1995. 🙂

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Mondegreen site

Today I wanted to share that I came across in the late 1990’s and that is still around. Am I Right used to just be an extensive list of mondegreens (misheard lyrics), but has become much more during the intervening years.

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iTunes 8

Yesterday, I installed iTunes 8 and have mixed feelings towards it. There are a couple of changes to the interface, but other than that, I do not notice much of a difference between this version and the previous iteration.

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