More Potential Albums for Review

First of all, I apologize for not updating this blog for a few days. My firewall / router has been on the fritz recently and I had to order a new cheap computer to replace it. For anyone who is interested, I have reviewed this computer on my technology blog.

I have just ordered a few of the albums from my last list, and have added several new ones. My new list is below, with recent purchases crossed out. The albums are expected to arrive next Wednesday, so I hope to have at least one of them reviewed by the following Wednesday.

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Comcast is anti-music

I knew that Comcast was considering putting a cap on monthly bandwidth used by their customers, but today I found out that they are really going through with it. According to Kim Peterson on MSN’s moneyblog, the new limits will approximately 6000 songs per month to be downloaded. (ed. Comcast’s faq lists 62500 songs, not the 6000 that I read elsewhere.)

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Response to “Illegal Music Downloading”

I just read Miles Moen’s article on illegal music downloading and I have to agree with his assessment. If ISPs start tracking users’ behaviour too much and penalize them for activities that are illegal in many jurisdictions, users will switch to ISPs that do not pay as much attention. Many ISPs are willing to either not monitor or ignore online activity if it causes them to gain new customers or, at least, keep their existing customers.

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iConcertCal review

last week I discovered iConcertCal, a plug-in for iTunes that will allow users to enter their postal code and a radius and then display a calendar with events.

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Reviews of independent and local groups

If you are in a group not signed to a major label or that hasn’t made it past playing in your local bars, I would love to hear from you. The music reviews site that accompanies this blog is always on the lookout for interesting music to listen to.

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