Boom Boom Rocket review

I apologize to all my readers for not posting anything for over a week. I had a bout of pneumonia recently and no one wants to read articles written by me while under the influence of a fever and cold medicine. After that, I was slacking off for a couple of days while playing games on my new XBox 360 that arrived while I was sick.

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Video analysis: Mope

For the third installment of my video analysis series, I present "Mope" by Bloodhound Gang. This video is an homage to all things ’80’s and, at times, is extremely humorous.

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Best musicians list

In case anyone is interested, I have compiled a list of who I consider to be living musicians. I decided to limit the list to those who are still alive as there is still a chance to see them in concert; it is too late to see many of the greats. Also, I have listed two performers in each category as I normally cannot pick between two artists with different styles; I find them both equally talented, but their styles differ. The names are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

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The evolution of music in video games

I have noticed a trend with video games lately; there has been much more emphasis placed on the music over the decades. So much so in fact that the game-play for two current franchises is secondary to the music.

Continue reading ‘The evolution of music in video games’ »’s Recommended MP3s

In the past, I wrote about my thoughts on the online service; I’m not sure how, but I seemed to have missed one of the best features of this service. gives away free MP3s. Continue reading ‘’s Recommended MP3s’ »