Archive for the ‘trend’ Category.

Music in Waiting Rooms

Something that has never made sense to me is why all doctors’ waiting rooms seem to tune in to the same genre of radio station. This phenomenon first sunk in last week while at my doctor’s office, but thinking back, I realized that all of the doctors – including general practitioners, dentists, and specialists – that I can remember going to over the last 30 years (in three different states on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line) seemed to play what amounts to the same station.

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Literal videos

I have been meaning to write an article about the relatively new phenomena of literal videos for a couple of months, but haven’t gotten around to it. I realize that by now, everyone with an Internet connection has already heard of this concept, but oh well.

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Apple and the music industry disagree

Recently, MSN published an article concerning changes in the way online music is being distributed and the disagreements between Apple and the music industry. The industry wants songs to be DRM encumbered, while Apple does not. Also the industry wishes for Apple to raise prices, while Apple – for obvious competitive reasons – favors lowering prices.

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The evolution of music in video games

I have noticed a trend with video games lately; there has been much more emphasis placed on the music over the decades. So much so in fact that the game-play for two current franchises is secondary to the music.

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