Weekly Observations: 2011 Weeks 50 and 51

I apologize for not posting this last weekend, but my web host had been hacked and was wiping, backing up, and reinstalling so this blog was down. So this weekend, I am posting my observations from the last two weeks!

On NPR, I learned about Tuba thefts from schools in California. My question is how does someone sneak out with a tuba – let alone a number of them? I mean, have you seen them? They are huge! And seriously, kids have enough issues without having their instruments stolen.

eMusic issued a $5.00 credit for those who logged in between November 17th and December 9th as thanks for their patience during the transition to the new layout.

There is a free 6 song sampler from the soundtrack for the new version of "The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo".

On Wednesday, I received an e-mail from Google Music stating that they had a number of albums of sale for $4.99 and tracks on sale for $0.49. I checked their site to see what they were offering since it was the same price per track as eMusic usually charges. While perusing their selection, I noticed that a 9 song album was selling for $0.49 per track and $4.99 for the whole album. If you bough each track individually, you would save $0.58; isn’t this the opposite of how buying a collection instead of purchasing piecemeal normally works?

Hopefully I will actually be able to post next week at the regularly scheduled time. With New Years though, it may be slightly late.

Weekly Observations: 2011 Week 49

Since I have many thoughts that – on their own – are not long enough to make an entire post, I am starting a new weekly feature called "Weekly Observations" which will contain all of my music related thoughts from that week. I intend to release one every Saturday or Sunday, so be sure to check back. This week’s updates are focused on eMusic problem resolutions, NPR faux pas, and Megadeth.

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Recent eMusic Issues

As many of you probably know from previous posts, I have had an eMusic account for around two years. I have always found their service to be a good value and easy to use, but lately I have been having issues due to their recent site changes.

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The Pope Kissed a Boy and Didn’t Like It

I normally attempt to keep the articles here more directly music-related than this one, however this law suit just blows my mind and I couldn’t remain silent. I apologize for the tangent, but supporting a company touting equality and love for one’s fellow human as well as supporting freedom of speech are more important than staying strictly focused to music related topics. There are song lyrics at the bottom of the post though, so that should count for something. 🙂

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Albums for Review for 2011-10-09

There are a lot of new albums on the list this time as I have purchased an eMusic booster pack and a physical CD in addition to the monthly tracks from eMusic. As always, I intend to review all of these albums on Music Reviews at some point in the future, although I appear to be becoming further behind.

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