Posts tagged ‘tuba’

Weekly Observations: 2011 Weeks 50 and 51

I apologize for not posting this last weekend, but my web host had been hacked and was wiping, backing up, and reinstalling so this blog was down. So this weekend, I am posting my observations from the last two weeks!

On NPR, I learned about Tuba thefts from schools in California. My question is how does someone sneak out with a tuba – let alone a number of them? I mean, have you seen them? They are huge! And seriously, kids have enough issues without having their instruments stolen.

eMusic issued a $5.00 credit for those who logged in between November 17th and December 9th as thanks for their patience during the transition to the new layout.

There is a free 6 song sampler from the soundtrack for the new version of "The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo".

On Wednesday, I received an e-mail from Google Music stating that they had a number of albums of sale for $4.99 and tracks on sale for $0.49. I checked their site to see what they were offering since it was the same price per track as eMusic usually charges. While perusing their selection, I noticed that a 9 song album was selling for $0.49 per track and $4.99 for the whole album. If you bough each track individually, you would save $0.58; isn’t this the opposite of how buying a collection instead of purchasing piecemeal normally works?

Hopefully I will actually be able to post next week at the regularly scheduled time. With New Years though, it may be slightly late.