Discover new music…in your old CDs

Recently, I have been listening to CDs that I bought back in high school and, I don’t know if this is unusual or not, but back then I normally listened to the songs that influenced me to buy the CD and gave the rest of the songs about 15 seconds to impress me.

With this attitude, it is amazing that I ever listened to any albums start to finish; but there are a few that impressed me enough to do this. In fact, I pretty much had this attitude until I got married and my wife pointed out to me that this was stupid.

With many songs, the first 15 seconds are not enough to tell anything; especially if there is a 30 second introduction. Besides that, I was buying a whole album to listen to, on average, 3 songs; this is just not a cost-effective approach. While I have stopped this behaviour with CDs that I have purchased more recently, I still had not given many of my previous music a continuous listen.

I have found that I was missing out on a lot of good music, and it feels like I just was handed a dozen new albums. Hopefully I am the only one who is this foolish but, if not, then maybe this article will inspire others to reexamine their collection.

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