Pandora and Mashup

For those who wish to scrobble (add to statistics) music listened to in Pandora, there is web application to do just that. From what I understand, this site has been around for a couple of years, but it is new to me.

Just head on over to and complete their really simple setup process. In moments, you will see Pandora’s familiar controls in the center of your browser window, a settings bar at the top, and a status pane at the bottom. The settings allow you to specify how long a song should play before it is scrobbled, and the status panel counts down the time; the time limit ensures that skipped songs do not get listed in your statistics.

You will have to enter your credentials for this application to function, but that is true of all scrobbling software as it needs to log in to upload your plays. The site has been around for a couple of years, which indicates that it is not a password theft site. There has been much discussion online over the safety of this application, and it seems that consensus is that your credentials are not stored on their server, and are merely passed through to I have not independently confirmed this, however I have been using this service for two months and my account seems to still be intact.

If you are still wary of this, then I would encourage you to urge Pandora to add a scrobble feature to their service. Also, if you use and Facebook, check out my widget for Facebook.

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