File this under stupid ideas

Okay, so normally I assume that when I buy used CDs they will have some slight wear and tear from normal use or possibly that the jewel case will be cracked or have a hinge broken off. No big deal, jewel cases are cheap enough to replace, and I end up rounding the edges of the booklets a bit taking them out and putting them back in the case, so a slightly worn booklet will look like the other CDs in my collection. But seriously, I received something really farked in the mail today.

For some reason, the individual who I bought the CD from (or possibly whomever he bought it from as it may have been in this condition when he purchased it) decided to put a security device on the booklet. You know, those sticky pieces of plastic and metal? Needless to say, I cannot remove it without taking a rather large piece of the liner notes with it. If I didn’t not want to see the artwork, credits, track-listing, etc. I would have just bought the album in mp3, ogg vorbis, flac, wav, aac, or mp4 format. Other than that, everything seems in tact with the exception of some magic marker on the inside of the jewel case; this is one of those cases where the inside is clear so that artwork can show through when the CD has been removed, but – as I said – CD cases are relatively cheap. Also, the art on this particular album is the same on the CD and the inside of the case, so I am not missing anything.

What in the name of Jeebus would possess someone to put the security device on the booklet instead of the inside of the case?! I guess it could be worse. The security device could have been on the back of the CD.

I have chosen to withhold the name of the seller since I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Given that there was a sticker for what appears to be a used music store on the cover, it appears likely that this CD has changed hands at least three times and there is no telling where along the way the booklet was ruined. The only thing that I can directly blame the seller for, is not listing this in the condition section.

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