Deezer Review

Several months ago, a reader suggested that I try the Deezer music service. I signed up for an account shortly after that, but have not really checked it out until tonight.

Deezer has several cool features that many music services lack. First off, you can upload your mp3s to their service allowing you to listen to them anywhere. Secondly, this service allows you to create your own playlists; a feature that is lacking in many other online music sites.

However, there are some notable issues as well. The main issue is that, even though I am on the English portion of the site – as evidenced by “en” being in the url – about a third of the site appears to be in French. As I don’t speak much French – mostly just the words from the songs “Alouette” and “Frere Jacques” which, needless to say do not help much when reading their website – I have issues using their otherwise very well laid out service. Apart from this rather glaring oversight, they also seem to have a lack of music that I search for. Don’t get me wrong, Deezer appears to have a huge number or tracks, just not the ones that I was searching for.

This service appears to have real promise and I would not hesitate to recommend it if they would fix their language issues. The fact that they return many songs that I have never heard of when I search for more mundane tracks is actually a boon as I am always looking for new music, I just wish that what I searched for was also in the results list. In any case, it is worth checking out at least for a couple of hours.

One Comment

  1. cball says:

    This post should have appeared last month, but for some reason did not publish correctly and I just now noticed. I apologize for the less than normal amount of posts last month because of this.

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