People who can’t play “The Name Game”

I know that the "Name Game" is not recent and, in fact, it came out over a decade before I was born, but I felt that I had to address a serious (or humorous) issue.

This song was created as a children’s sing-a-long originally. However, I do not think that the writer thought this through very well (or maybe they did). I mean, we all no why Chuck is no longer allowed to play. But there are many others who’s names end up with humorous results as well. And, unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on your perspective – a lot of these names are extremely common.

I thought of several just off of the top of my head, but I am sure that I missed many. If you know of a name that I missed, or if your own name has humorous results, please let us all know.

  • Alice: Put an "F" in front
  • Chester: Replace the "Ch" with an "F"
  • Chuck: Replace the "Ch" with an "F"
  • Lester: Replace the "L" with an "F"
  • Mitch – Replace the "M" with a "B"
  • Rich – Replace the "R" with a "B"

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