Head Like a Hole (US)

Carson gave this album 4.25 notes4.25 notes4.25 notes4.25 notes4.25 notes on2008-05-14.

Unlike Head Like a Hole (UK), even if you do not like "Head Like a Hole" you still may enjoy this single; there are ten tracks but only five of them are "Head Like A Hole" remixes.

As stated on the UK version's review, "Head Like a Hole (Slate)" is very close to the original track and does not bear much discussion. "Head Like a Hole (Clay)" lies somewhere between "Head Like a Hole (Slate)" and the version on Pretty Hate Machine and, as such, also does not need much of a review. "Head Like a Hole (Copper)" is less harsh sounding than the original, but feels like it loses some of the emotion conveyed is the other versions. "You Know Who You Are" is an instrumental remix and sounds a little like the Copper and Clay version mixed together and the words removed. "Head Like a Hole (Soil)" is more bass heavy, the vocals sound muted, and there are more artificial synthesizer sounds; overall it sounds a lot like it fits more with Fixed than with Pretty Hate Machine. This version gets a lower mark not because it is inferior to the others, but that it seems to go on too long. Don't get me wrong, I love "Head Like a Hole" but nearly seven minutes is a bit excessive.

Moving on, there are two versions of "Terrible Lie". "Terrible Lie (Sympathetic Mix)" sounds very close to the original. "Terrible Lie (Empathetic Mix)" - on the other hand - is extremely different from the track on Pretty Hate Machine; the song is a little over two minutes longer, has echo added to some of the vocals, is more repetitive, and has more synthesizer elements added. I have the same issue with this track as I do with "Head Like a Hole (Soil)" though - it is too long.

"Down in It" gets its share of tracks on this single as well. "Down in It (Shred)" is mostly indistinguishable from the version on Pretty Hate Machine with the exception of the extra couple of minutes added to the end. As stated on the Down in It review, "Down in It (Singe)" is almost an instrumental, is much longer than the original, and has added instrumentation. Finally, "Down in It (Demo)" is a very sparse sounding song that is exactly what its name says - a demo version.

The only other track on the album is hidden and is merely a recording of someone saying "Let's hear it for Nine Inch Nails! Woo! They're good!". I am not sure how to rate this, so it was given the average rating of the other tracks so as to not throw off the album's overall value.

Unlike Head Like a Hole (UK) or Down in It this offers remixes of multiple songs so that if left on repeat, it will not become quite as monotonous. Also, there are three times as many tracks as on either of these singles, so the cost per song is better. Overall, the songs are the same as on the other two singles, with the notable exception of not having "Head Like a Hole (Opal)" which is only on Head Like a Hole (UK). If you like "Terrible Lie" or want to hear a demo version of &Down in It" this single is a must buy.

TrackNameCarsonKatherine   TrackNameCarsonKatherine
1 Head Like a Hole (Slate)Head Like A Hole (Slate) - Head Like A Hole 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     7 Terrible Lie (Empathetic Mix)Terrible Lie (Empathetic Mix) - Head Like A Hole 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes
2 Head Like a Hole (Clay)Head Like A Hole (Clay) - Head Like A Hole 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     8 Down in it (shred)Down In It (Shred) - Down In It - Single 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes
3 Terrible Lie (Sympathetic Mix)Terrible Lie (Sympathetic Mix) - Head Like A Hole 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     9 Down in it (singe)Down In It (Singe) - Head Like A Hole 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes
4 Head Like a Hole (Copper)Head Like A Hole (Copper) - Head Like A Hole 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes     10 Down in It (Demo)Down In It (Demo) - Head Like A Hole 3 notes3 notes3 notes
5 You Know Who You AreYou Know Who You Are - Head Like A Hole 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes     11 unlisted 4.25 notes4.25 notes4.25 notes4.25 notes4.25 notes
6 Head Like a Hole (Soil)Head Like A Hole (Soil) - Head Like A Hole 3 notes3 notes3 notes    

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