Closer to God

Carson gave this album 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes on2008-09-30.

Closer to God, or Halo 9, contains 6 versions of "Closer" a couple of remixes of other tracks from The Downward Spiral, and a cover of Soft Cell's "Memorabilia".

"Closer to God" - the title track - features slow, whispered vocals, static, and changes and additions to the lyrics of the original version. The longest version - "Closer (Precursor)" - is a slower version with heavy vocal distortion and is very electronic; if you like Fixed, you will probably enjoy this track. "Closer (Deviation)" features completely different music complete with record scratching sounds and more focus on the drums. This variant feels a little like Beck got a hold of it. "Closer (Internal)" contains static, heavy use of stereo effects and is, in many ways, almost unrecognizable as being a spawned from "Closer". "Closer (Further Away)" - like many of the other mixes - features static, the intro to this sounds a little like The Becoming, there is significant reverb, and some of places sound "watery" for lack of a better term; this song would feel right at home on Fixed. Finally, "Closer" is basically just the album version of the song from The Downward Spiral with a couple of extra seconds at the end.

"Heresy (Blind)" is longer than the original, contains more static (catching a theme with the album yet?), a longer into, scratching, sandpaper-like sounds, and vocal filters. "March of the Fuckheads" is an instrumental that resembles "March of the Pigs" in name only. In general, I love Nine Inch Nails' covers and "Memorabilia" is no exception. The intro sounds a bit like the intro for "Closer to God" which makes it feel more like it belongs on this album; overall it is a good rendition while feeling like Nine Inch Nails.

This single contains a wide variety of sounds and a great cover and is well worth the price.

TrackNameCarsonKatherine   TrackNameCarsonKatherine
1 Closer to GodCloser to God - Closer to God 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes     6 Closer (Internal)Closer (Internal) - Closer to God 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes
2 Closer (Precursor)Closer (Precursor) - Closer to God 3.5 notes3.5 notes3.5 notes3.5 notes     7 March of the FuckheadsMarch of the F******ds - Closer to God 3.5 notes3.5 notes3.5 notes3.5 notes
3 Closer (Deviation)Closer (Deviation) - Closer to God 3 notes3 notes3 notes     8 Closer (Further Away)Closer (Further Away) - Closer to God 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes
4 Heresy (Blind)Heresy (Blind) - Closer to God 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes     9 CloserCloser - Closer to God 4 notes4 notes4 notes4 notes
5 MemorabiliaMemorabilia - Closer to God 5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes5 notes    

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